Mandatory E-Learning Modules

For those Leaders, Committee Persons and Adult Helpers who completed their Child Safe E-Learning Modules and Workplace, Health & Safety E-Learning modules over 3 years ago or are approaching  3 years since you last completed these modules, you will be receiving or have received emails from Scouts Australia (National) advising it is time to resit these modules.

I know that this might seem painful and yet another thing to do….


Scouts Australia has made a clear statement and assurances to the Royal Commission that we will do everything in our powers to keep Children in our care safe. Part of this agreement is to resit the module every 3 years. Simply put we have to do this – there is no room for movement on this topic.


I resat the WHS E-Learning module and it went straight to the test component and I passed so it took all of about 5 mins to puzzle through – hope you pass the test when you do it!

And, I found that since the Royal Commission, the E-Learning Module had changed significantly so it was a very worthwhile source of info and knowledge. So much so that I am now encouraging all Leaders, Committee persons and Adult Supporters to resit the Child Safe E-Learning module asap.

I don’t ask this type of thing often so please take this as a serious request. For those Adults who have received emails from Scouts Australia – Get it done ASAP.

I am asking all Region Team, District Commissioners and Group Leaders to follow up on this request and the currency of all Adults in their formations and report back to Kerrie Latham.

Again, please get this done as soon as possible.


Phil Crutchley,
Region Commissioner,
South Coast & Tablelands Region,
Scouts Australia – NSW Branch.